Holistic Moms | Daily Habits, Mom Stress, Holistic Wellness, Mom Rage, Mom Guilt, Anxious Mom, Biblical Mindset

Hey Mama, are you overwhelmed by the lack of time in the day to do ALL the things? Do you want more balance with prioritizing all the balls you juggle? Are you feeling disconnected from God, husband and even kids, because patience, presence and peace seem out of reach? Do you want a healthier body, mind, spirit AND home, but don’t even know where to start? I’m so excited you are here! This podcast will help you be intentional with your precious 24 hours, feel more connected to God and your family, find peace and security in who you are and how to care holistically for ALL the people AND YOU! Hey, I’m Shan Wright, daughter of the King, wife, mom to 4, RN, Wellness coach. I know very well what it feels like to want to live well, but completely overwhelmed, anxious and about to lose it with my very #blessed full life! I let these feelings take control which led to more chaos, more frustrations and deeper disconnections to my people and myself. After realizing I can’t pour from an empty cup and postpartum anxiety, I sought the Prince of PEACE and tracked my way to whole body wellness. By courageously taking action into simple holistic solutions for accountability and intentional living, I found the way to peace and I’m so excited to share it with you! If you are ready to: ..... cancel the stressed out life ......learn how to live intentionally as a mom wearing many hats ......find holistic health, time and home management solutions ......Resulting in more confidence, more peace, and more joy raising Kingdom Kids -----> this podcast is for you! Let’s get our heads out of the goldfish and laundry bins and courageously tap into this beautifully hard motherhood journey….TOGETHER! Come on, we got this! Really, God’s got this! Go, heat up that coffee (agaaain) turn your listening ears on, let’s chat mama! * * CONNECT: EMAIL: hello@theshanwright.com WEBSITE: www.theshanwright.com INSTAGRAM: Instagram.com/theshanwright/ FB community: bit.ly/holistichacks disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

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Friday Feb 02, 2024

Welcome back, Wellness Warrior!
OKay, this is slightly embarrassing that this is an episode on TIME and I recorded it TWICE and it took TWICE as long to edit. Ha!! I think it’s all the enemy, because we all need to hear this one! 
So today we are going to play a little game called lies and truth. 
I'm going to share 3 very common phrases we say often and hear often and detemine whether we are speaking lies or truth. 
Because little reminder we want to speak life and truth over our lives and our families lives. 
Are you ready to be honest about time….it’s the hard truth today! 
Let’s go to battle!! 
And don’t forget, after listening to today’s episode, come over to the facebook community and share your courageous actions (homework) https://bit.ly/holistichacks
Also, share a screenshot of the episode in your Instagram stories, tag me, and I’ll gift you a FREE coffee! ☕💝
Shalom Shalom, 
Xx, Shan
P.S. If you aren’t feeling like a Wellness Warrior right now, really there aren’t many things that feel well… you feel more like a disorganized mess, not a good enough wife, mom, friend and struggling to keep your head above water then let me HELP! You need my Wellness Accountability coaching that has officially launched!! You can get in at the low, low launch price NOW!! 😆 Take that baby step of courage, book me for a call and claim today is the day you live in shalom!! Go to bit.ly/theshanwright and let's be courageous wellness warriors,  together! 
🎉 JOIN the Facebook Community: 
🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group *info, deals, giveaways, testimonials on all my favorites clean, wellness supplements 
💌become an insider:
🌱Natural Hormone HELP: 
Delete what you don’t want and check out with what you do. 
Learn more about each product here : Modere.com/everywoman 
💝 FACEBOOK: : https://www.facebook.com/shannon.wright.355                                                                                           💝 EMAIL: hello@theshanwright.com💝 WEBSITE: www.encouragewellnesswright.com💝 LINKS: https://msha.ke/shanwright/💝INSTAGRAM: @theshanwright // Instagram.com/theshanwright/ 
☎ Wanna Chat WELLNESS with me?? SCHEDULE : https://bit.ly/theshanwright 
Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living. 

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

Welcome back, Wellness Warrior! 
We are a whole month into 2024!! Can you even believe it?! 
At the start of the year we set goals, resolutions, intentions…either written and set or even just mentally. The truth is most people don't have success. The statistics show they don't stick with them and have sustainable change because they don't stay consistent. 
A lot of people lack CONSISTENCY, but consistency is the key to success, so HOW will we ever succeed in our goals and intentions?? 
I have come to tell you today that there is a secret code to unlocking consistency. 
I actually have 4 secret codes to share with you. I’m going to break down all the secret ways to be consistent and achieve your goals! Ya ready?? 
Let’s go to battle!! 
And don’t forget, after listening to today’s episode, come over to the facebook community and share your courageous actions https://bit.ly/holistichacks
Also, share a screenshot of the episode in your Instagram stories, tag me, and I’ll gift you a FREE coffee! ☕💝
Shalom Shalom, 
Xx, Shan
P.S. If you aren’t feeling like a Wellness Warrior right now, really there aren’t many things that feel well… you feel more like a disorganized mess, not a good enough wife, mom, friend and struggling to keep your head above water then let me HELP! You need my Wellness Accountability coaching that has officially launched!! You can get in at the low, low launch price NOW!! 😆 Take that baby step of courage, book me for a call and claim today is the day you live in shalom!! Go to bit.ly/theshanwright and let's be courageous wellness warriors,  together! 
🎉 JOIN the Facebook Community: 
🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group *info, deals, giveaways, testimonials on all my favorites clean, wellness supplements 
💌become an insider:
🌱Natural Hormone HELP: 
Delete what you don’t want and check out with what you do. 
Learn more about each product here : Modere.com/everywoman 
💝 FACEBOOK: : https://www.facebook.com/shannon.wright.355                                                                                            💝 EMAIL: hello@theshanwright.com💝 WEBSITE: www.encouragewellnesswright.com💝 LINKS: https://msha.ke/shanwright/💝INSTAGRAM: @theshanwright // Instagram.com/theshanwright/ 
☎ Wanna Chat WELLNESS with me?? SCHEDULE : https://bit.ly/theshanwright 
Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living. 

Friday Jan 26, 2024

Welcome back, Wellness Warrior! 
The truth is, we aren’t always up for the fight, right? Life is hard and fighting back seems like too much to handle. How do we handle the unexpected, hard situations? 
In episode 33, Christina Cassell shares her testimony of how she handled the unexpected. There is so much to take from this story. 
TODAY, I share 4 courageous actions we can take after listening of God’s story. We can implement simple wellness actions to live in peace in our stories too! 
Does that still seem like too much?? Need more help? Well, I’m here! You need my Wellness Accountability coaching that has officially launched!! You can get in at the launch price- FREE.99! 😆 Don’t miss this chance to grab a free coaching call with me, TODAY! Only the first 5 will be free, so I can nail down the strategies that have helped me so much. Today is the day we live in shalom! Go to bit.ly/theshanwright and let's be courageous wellness warriors,  together! 
And don’t forget, after listening to today’s episode, come over to the facebook community and share your courageous actions and if this is a testimony for you or someone you know?!! https://bit.ly/holistichacks
Also, share a screenshot of the episode in your Instagram stories, tag me, and I’ll gift you a FREE coffee! ☕💝
Ready to go to battle,wellness warrior? Let’s go! 
Shalom Shalom, 
Xx, Shan
Episodes on Emotions: 
11 // ALL the FEELS!! God’s Simple Strategy for Peace in Emotional Wellness!
12 // Are You a Moody Mommy?? The 6 Simple HOLISTIC Solutions
❤️WITH CHRISTINA: https://www.instagram.com/christina_casselll/
❤️Full STORY: https://www.lovewhatmatters.com/surprise-pregnancy-vasectomy-postpartum-body/?fbclid=IwAR0U94Hh_jyixoDDBhSIi_eZ3qh88ELgf72rIfAglqNe5hq3QsqzYt209eA
🎉 JOIN the Facebook Community: 
🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group **** info, deals, giveaways, testimonials on all my favorites clean, wellness supplements 
💌become an insider:
🌱Natural Hormone HELP: 
Delete what you don’t want and check out with what you do. 
Learn more about each product here : Modere.com/everywoman 
💝 FACEBOOK: : https://www.facebook.com/shannon.wright.355                                                                                            💝 EMAIL: hello@theshanwright.com💝 WEBSITE: www.encouragewellnesswright.com💝 LINKS: https://msha.ke/shanwright/💝INSTAGRAM: @theshanwright // Instagram.com/theshanwright/ 
☎ Wanna chat more?? 📞 free 1:1 wellness chatSCHEDULE : https://bit.ly/theshanwright 
Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living. 

Tuesday Jan 23, 2024

Welcome back, wellness warrior! 
Have you been through something completely unexpected?? 
Our guest today has. Today, I’m bringing you an awesome testimony of what God has done in one of my best friends' lives. 
Remember, while you listen, if this testimony resonates with you- take it and claim it!!! Or maybe a name comes to mind of someone you need to share it with after. DO it!! 
So this story is from Christina Cassell, she is a mom to 3, wife to Cameron, wellness coach, and one of my business partners. She is someone that lives out her faith daily and continues to walk forward in the face of fear. 
I'm so excited to bring you this miraculous story TODAY, the day before HER Birth Day! 
Ready to go to battle,wellness warrior? Let’s go! 
And don’t forget, after listening, come over to the facebook community and share if this is a testimony for you or someone you know?!! https://bit.ly/holistichacks
Also, share a screenshot of the episode in your Instagram stories, tag me, and I’ll gift you a FREE coffee! ☕💝
Shalom Shalom, 
Xx, Shan
Episodes on Emotions: 
11 // ALL the FEELS!! God’s Simple Strategy for Peace in Emotional Wellness!
12 // Are You a Moody Mommy?? The 6 Simple HOLISTIC Solutions
❤️WITH CHRISTINA: https://www.instagram.com/christina_casselll/
❤️Full STORY: https://www.lovewhatmatters.com/surprise-pregnancy-vasectomy-postpartum-body/?fbclid=IwAR0U94Hh_jyixoDDBhSIi_eZ3qh88ELgf72rIfAglqNe5hq3QsqzYt209eA
🎉 JOIN the Facebook Community: 
🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group ****
 info, deals, giveaways, testimonials on all my favorites clean, wellness supplements 
💌become an insider:
🌱Natural Hormone HELP: 
Delete what you don’t want and check out with what you do. 
Learn more about each product here : Modere.com/everywoman 
💝 EMAIL: hello@encouragewellnesswright.com💝 WEBSITE: www.encouragewellnesswright.com💝 LINKS: https://msha.ke/shanwright/💝INSTAGRAM: @theshanwright // Instagram.com/theshanwright/ 
☎ Wanna chat more?? 📞 free 1:1 wellness chatSCHEDULE : https://theshanwright.youcanbook.me/
Disclaimer: This content is not meant to be personal medical advice. 

Friday Jan 19, 2024

Welcome Back, Wellness Warrior! 
Do you know you have a story to share?
And the reason you might NOT think so, is because the enemy has told you to keep quiet because he knows he is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony! 
Today we are going to unpack this and I’ll share a story of this very podcast.
 I'm really feeling this message today- it has increased my faith and I pray it will yours! 
Ready to go to battle,wellness warrior? Let’s go! 
And don’t forget, after listening, come over to the facebook community and share your homework!! https://bit.ly/holistichacks
Also, share a screenshot of the episode in your Instagram stories, tag me, and I’ll gift you a FREE coffee! ☕💝
Shalom Shalom, 
Xx, Shan
🎉 JOIN the Facebook Community: Holistic Health Hacks for Christian Moms
🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group ****
 info, deals, giveaways, testimonials on all my favorites clean, wellness supplements 
💌become an insider:
🌱Natural Hormone HELP: 
Delete what you don’t want and check out with what you do. 
Learn more about each product here : Modere.com/everywoman 
💝 EMAIL: hello@encouragewellnesswright.com💝 WEBSITE: www.encouragewellnesswright.com💝 LINKS: https://msha.ke/shanwright/💝INSTAGRAM: @theshanwright // Instagram.com/theshanwright/ 
☎ Wanna chat more?? 📞 free 1:1 wellness chatSCHEDULE : https://theshanwright.youcanbook.me/
Disclaimer: This content is not meant to be personal medical advice. 

Tuesday Jan 16, 2024

Welcome Back, Wellness Warrior! 
Happy Mid-January!
How are your goals and new year intentions coming?? 
Well, today I’m going to (vulnerably) share my Wellness area of focus with you and the major tools I’m using to combat this stronghold. 
I think this will resonate deeply with you or someone else listening. But, either way, you can use the one tool I share inside for ANYTHING! 
Are you ready to battle?! Let’s go! 
And don’t forget, after listening, come over to the facebook community and share your accountability step with us!! https://bit.ly/holistichacks
Also, share a screenshot of the episode in your Instagram stories, tag me, and I’ll gift you a FREE coffee! ☕💝
Shalom Shalom, 
Xx, Shan
🎉 JOIN the Facebook Community: 
🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group ****
 info, deals, giveaways, testimonials on all my favorites clean, wellness supplements 
💌become an insider:
🌱Natural Hormone HELP: 
Delete what you don’t want and check out with what you do. 
Learn more about each product here : Modere.com/everywoman 
💝 EMAIL: hello@encouragewellnesswright.com💝 WEBSITE: www.encouragewellnesswright.com💝 LINKS: https://msha.ke/shanwright/💝INSTAGRAM: @theshanwright // Instagram.com/theshanwright/ 
☎ Wanna chat more?? 📞 free 1:1 wellness chatSCHEDULE : https://theshanwright.youcanbook.me/
Disclaimer: This content is not meant to be personal medical advice. 

Friday Jan 12, 2024

Welcome back, wellness warrior! 
Have you had a chance to listen to the amazing conversation with Jessie Melcher yet?! If not, go listen to episode 29 FIRST. Then you will want to come back here learn how you can take courage! 
Sometimes I think we can hear really cool stories and think “good for them” “I can’t because…” “how does she do it?!” And we let doubt creep in instead of being encouraged. 
So, I want to share with you 3 SIMPLE intentional actions you can take from Jessie’s conversation. 
If you want to intentionally mother and build a family of faith, courage, and vision, then grab a pen and journal and press play! 
See where you can connect with Jessie below. 
And don’t forget, after listening, come over to the facebook community and share your favorite quote from the episode AND your action steps!! https://bit.ly/holistichacks
Also, share a screenshot of the episode in your Instagram stories, tag me, and I’ll gift you a FREE coffee! ☕💝
Shalom Shalom, 
Xx, Shan
WITH JESSIE: https://www.instagram.com/jessie.melcher/
The LeadHERship podcast 
Vision Guide: @jessiemelcherco
🎉 JOIN the Facebook Community: 
🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group ****
 info, deals, giveaways, testimonials on all my favorites clean, wellness supplements 
💌become an insider:
🌱Natural Hormone HELP: 
Delete what you don’t want and check out with what you do. 
Learn more about each product here : Modere.com/everywoman 
💝 EMAIL: hello@encouragewellnesswright.com💝 WEBSITE: www.encouragewellnesswright.com💝 LINKS: https://msha.ke/shanwright/💝INSTAGRAM: @theshanwright // Instagram.com/theshanwright/ 
☎ Wanna chat more?? 📞 free 1:1 wellness chatSCHEDULE : https://theshanwright.youcanbook.me/

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024

Welcome back, wellness warrior! 
Are you a mom buried in laundry piles and hanging on by a prayer or do you have vision, mission and dreams for your family that you are in pursuit of?? What about yes and yes?! 
On this episode, our special guest, Jessie Melcher, shares how to “balance” it all! We dive deep into the throws of motherhood AND having multiple successful businesses! Jessie is a Christian mentor, mom to 4, business owner, podcaster who teaches women how to build their business, life and families on faith. 
I know this conversation will bless you and I pray it encourages you in building your faith, vision, and family! 
After listening, come over to the facebook community and share your favorite quote from the episode! https://bit.ly/holistichacks
Also, share a screenshot of the episode in your Instagram stories, tag me, and I’ll gift you a FREE coffee! ☕💝
Shalom Shalom, 
Xx, Shan
WITH JESSIE: https://www.instagram.com/jessie.melcher/
The LeadHERship podcast 
🎉 JOIN the Facebook Community: 
🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group ****
 info, deals, giveaways, testimonials on all my favorites clean, wellness supplements 
💌become an insider:
🌱Natural Hormone HELP: 
Delete what you don’t want and check out with what you do. 
Learn more about each product here : Modere.com/everywoman 
💝 EMAIL: hello@encouragewellnesswright.com💝 WEBSITE: www.encouragewellnesswright.com💝 LINKS: https://msha.ke/shanwright/💝INSTAGRAM: @theshanwright // Instagram.com/theshanwright/ 
☎ Wanna chat more?? 📞 free 1:1 wellness chatSCHEDULE : https://theshanwright.youcanbook.me/

Friday Jan 05, 2024

Did you know that we are still in the Christmas season? Yup! For one more day!
There are many times to tell time, and the church has a calendar it uses and breaks the year into seasons. It all starts with advent, then Christmas which lasts 12 days, and then epiphany on January 6th. 
This will be my 3rd year celebrating and recognizing this day. It’s the celebration of the wise men following the star, the guiding light and it leading them to THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, Jesus. 🌟
It’s a day to reflect on where The Light is guiding you for the new year. Reflecting on the journey of the last year and where the light is leading for the new year. 
 I love using this day as my practice of reflection and vision for the new year, goals, and a word of the year. 
On this episode, I'll share details of my practice, so you can implement in your own way,  join in with me and be encouraged in your 2024 goals. 
If you decide to join after listening, let me know over in the facebook group: https://bit.ly/holistichacks
Or share a screenshot of the episode in your Instagram stories, tag me, and I’ll gift you a FREE coffee! ☕💝
Shalom Shalom, 
Xx, Shan
🎉 JOIN the Facebook Community: 
🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group ****
 info, deals, giveaways, testimonials on all my favorites clean, wellness supplements 
💌become an insider:
🌱Natural Hormone HELP: 
Delete what you don’t want and check out with what you do. 
Learn more about each product here : Modere.com/everywoman 
💝 EMAIL: hello@encouragewellnesswright.com💝 WEBSITE: www.encouragewellnesswright.com💝 LINKS: https://msha.ke/shanwright/💝INSTAGRAM: @theshanwright // Instagram.com/theshanwright/ 
☎ Wanna chat more?? 📞 free 1:1 wellness chatSCHEDULE : https://theshanwright.youcanbook.me/

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

Welcome to 2024, Wellness Warrior! 
I’m so excited to be here with you! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for our growth here on the podcast together! 
One thing I love about the New year is planning for all the things. Because the truth is if you fail to plan, plan to fail. So, we plan for a lot of things, but do you know your spiritual battle plan is the most important?
YUP! That’s right, because we are living in a spiritual battle everyday!! This 7 step battle plan brought to us today by Stefanie Gass, is one you can take a go to war with! 
Stef, is the host of a Top 20 Podcast, my podcast coach and I’m thrilled to bring you this interview today where Stef shares her wisdom, courage and her Christian mama heart with us! 
Get ready to be encouraged!! 
Shalom Shalom, 
Xx, Shan
Podcast: https://stefaniegass.com/thepodcast
🎉 JOIN the Facebook Community: 
🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group ****
 info, deals, giveaways, testimonials on all my favorites clean, wellness supplements 
💌 ecome an insider:
🌱Natural Hormone HELP: 
Delete what you don’t want and check out with what you do. 
Learn more about each product here : Modere.com/everywoman 
💝 EMAIL: hello@encouragewellnesswright.com💝 WEBSITE: www.encouragewellnesswright.com💝 LINKS: https://msha.ke/shanwright/💝INSTAGRAM: @theshanwright // Instagram.com/theshanwright/ 
☎ Wanna chat more?? 📞 free 1:1 wellness chatSCHEDULE : https://theshanwright.youcanbook.me/

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